Wakaura Tenmangu Shrine, located in Wakayama City, Wakayama Prefecture, is said to have been founded by Tachibana Naomoto during the Koho era (964-968). Its origins date back to 901, when Sugawara no Michizane, the god of learning, stopped at Wakaura on his way to Dazaifu to avoid the wind and waves, and was hospitable to local fishermen.
Tower Gate
The vermilion-painted tower gate, which was rebuilt in 1605, is designated as a nationally designated important cultural property. It has a gabled structure with four pillars, and each room is covered with tiles. It is the largest building of this type in Japan. The eaves are gently curved with fan-shaped rafters.
The Zen sect style is used overall, with a board door on the first floor and an unusual structure with three rooms and two rooms on the second floor.
Main Shrine
The main shrine is also a nationally designated important cultural property and was rebuilt by Yukinaga Asano, the lord of Wakayama Castle at the time. This is a valuable shrine where you can learn about the architectural techniques of the Momoyama period, and is studded with carvings depicting Chinese folklore, wishes for longevity and wealth, sacred animals, flowers, and more.
The construction was carried out by Kishu Negoro carpenters Yoshimasa Kenuchi and his son Masanobu, and Masanobu was appointed as the master carpenter of the Edo Shogunate 26 years after the construction of the Wakaura Tenmangu Shrine.